News Coverage Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 06/16/2021 Agri-Pulse: Ag, farmworkers push for farm labor fix in Senate 06/14/2021 NBC News: Why are workers in the U.S. still dying from heat exhaustion? 06/13/2021 Yakima Herald: It Happened Here: Cesar Chavez leads march for farmworkers’ rights 06/11/2021 Kaiser Health News: Farmworkers Recall Mistreatment as Colorado Aims to Guarantee Medical Access 06/04/2021 The Californian: Assembly Bill 73 would further protect agricultural workers by providing more resources 06/01/2021 The Seattle Times: Washington state relaxes COVID-19 rules for farmworkers 05/30/2021 The Californian: JOSE GASPAR: Instead of seeking revenge, Marcos Muñoz fought for justice 05/28/2021 Monterey Herald: Monterey County agriculture industry has vaccinated 42,000 farmworkers 05/27/2021 World Music Central: Michael McDonald, Willie Nelson and David Hidalgo Support Farmworkers with “Dreams of the San Joaquin” 05/24/2021 High Country News: Farmworker organizing in Washington is undoing discriminatory labor policies 05/24/2021 Sacramento Bee: California hits Foster Farms with big fine for failing to protect workers from COVID outbreak 05/18/2021 Chicago Sun Times: Marcos Muñoz, a top United Farm Workers organizer with Cesar Chavez, dead at 80 05/17/2021 The Hill: Farmworker health and climate change 05/16/2021 Time: If We Really Believe Farmworkers Are Essential, We Must Protect Their Mental Health 05/13/2021 The American Independent: Democratic bill would ensure farmworkers get overtime pay after years of being ignored 05/11/2021 Yakima Herald: Inslee signs agricultural worker overtime bill into law in Yakima 05/11/2021 The White House: Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in Support of Washington State’s Overtime Bill for Farm Workers 05/08/2021 The Sacramento Bee: COVID pandemic highlights need for California to invest in farmworker health 05/07/2021 LIVE for Live Music: Michael McDonald, Willie Nelson, David Hidalgo Team Up For “Dreams Of The San Joaquin” [Stream] 05/06/2021 Earth Justice: We Just Got a Big Win in Court Against a Pesticide Linked to Harming Kids’ Brains 04/30/2021 Reuters: EPA’s ‘time is up’ on critical pesticide chlorpyrifos – 9th Circuit 04/29/2021 The Intercept: Court Rules That EPA’s Delay “Exposed a Generation of American Children” to Brain-Damaging Pesticide Chlorpyrifos 04/28/2021 The Hill: Biden calls for path to citizenship for dreamers, farmworkers 04/28/2021 PBS News Hour: How Florida’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout is leaving essential farmworkers behind 04/27/2021 San Benito County News: César Chavez supporters walk in his honor « Previous1…34567…280Next »