Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News Coverage
- 08/18/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Raspberry pickers sue grower: 3 in Watsonville say farm didn’t pay for overtime
- 08/13/1997 Metro Santa Cruz, 8/13-20/97: Editorial Cartoon by DeCinzo, p.9
- 08/12/1997 PR Newswi: Supermarket Chain Supports Costal Berry Co.’s Committment to Neutrality….
- 08/07/1997 LA Week: Fruits of their labor
- 08/06/1997 San Jose Mercu: Suit against UFW Pulled
- 08/01/1997 America @ Work, August 1997: Union Power Stirs Mushroom Workers
- 06/30/1997 New York Tim: Chavez’s son-in-law tries to rebuild legacy
- 06/27/1997 San Francisco Examin: Grower to pay back wages…
- 06/18/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Berry firm won’t hassle union…
- 05/30/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Store backs up UFW campaign
- 04/14/1997 San Francisco Examin: Strawberry rally seen as sign of power, hope
- 04/14/1997 La Jorna: 20 mil trabajadores y activistas…marchan…
- 04/14/1997 El Universal: Marchan decenas de miles …
- 04/14/1997 San Francisco Chronic: March in support of farm workers draws thousands-Strawberry growers targeted
- 04/13/1997 La Jorna: …Campana para sindicar a miles…
- 04/12/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Page One: Battle in the berry field
- 04/10/1997 El Universal: Miles de mexicanos dejan vida y salud…
- 03/27/1997 San Francisco Chronic: Union says pesticides violate the law…
- 05/30/1996 San Diego Union Tribu: UFW, longtime foe sign contract
- 11/01/1995 The Atlantic Monthly, 11/95: In The Strawberry Fields
- 11/03/1991 Los Angeles Times: Cesar Chavez is celebrated in Los Angeles
- 01/01/1970 The White House Blog: Honoring the Memory of My Grandfather, César E. Chávez
- 01/01/1970 Yuma Sun (AZ): San Luis honors life, legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 01/01/1970 Los Angeles Times: Inland Empire warehouse workers protest conditions
- 01/01/1970 Washington Post: House GOP announces program against illegal immigration