Manténgame al Tanto

“Nuestro len


Dolores Licea, Miembro UFW

From our hands to your tables: Dolores Licea is proud to hold up her ufw contract and say, ‘ I am a member of the Cesar Chavez Union. Here is our contract. It is a success. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. We keep fighting to have better benefits, if you can! #Thankafarmworker #Wefeedyou / Dolores Licea is proud to raise your contract of ufw and to say, ” I am a member of the union Cesar Chavez. Here’s our contract. It’s an accomplishment. I wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year. We keep fighting to get better benefits, if you can!

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Dolores Licea

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Dolores Licea is proud to hold up her UFW contract and say, ‘ I am a member of the Cesar Chavez Union. Here is our contract. It is a success. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. We keep fighting to have better benefits, Si Se Puede! #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou / Dolores Licea esta orgullosa de levantar su contracto de UFW y de decir, “Yo soy un miembro de la Unión Cesar Chávez. Aquí esta nuestro contracto. Es un logro. Yo les deseo una feliz navidad y prospero año nuevo. Nosotros seguimos luchando para tener mejores beneficios, ¡Si Se Puede!

Posted by UFW on Sunday, December 10, 2017