06/13/2008 Lodi News-Sentinel: Contractor that hired farmworker who died put out of business
06/12/2008 MAS: Good times – Chicano tradition comes full circle at La Paz
06/12/2008 Hoy: Inspecciones hallan graves abusos contra campesinos
06/10/2008 Sacramento Bee: Labor inspectors root out violations along Central Valley back roads
06/05/2008 St. Helena Star: Rehired Krug workers say ‘gracias’ to community
06/05/2008 The Guardian: Migrant farmworker’s death in US highlights poor labour conditions
06/05/2008 Associated Press: Farmworker’s death prompts calls for Calif. reform
06/05/2008 Sacramento Bee: Video: March to the capitol
06/05/2008 Sacramento Bee: State to revoke license of farm labor contractor
06/05/2008 Stockton Record Net Video: Farm labor advocates called on state legislators to amend a bill that would make it easier for farm workers to unionize after a four-day march from Lodi and vigil for Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez, the pregnant, 17-year-old farm worker who died May 16 of a heat-related illness she suffered while working in a Farmington vineyard.
06/05/2008 Stockton Record: Farm workers hope bill, unity will harvest change
06/05/2008 06/05/2008 El Financiero: Retira Schwarzenegger licencia a contratista que dejó morir a joven
06/05/2008 Univisión: EEUU: Exigen reformas agrícolas tras caso de jornalera muerta
06/05/2008 El Financiero: Retira Schwarzenegger licencia a contratista que dejó morir a joven
06/05/2008 Univisión: EEUU: Exigen reformas agrícolas tras caso de jornalera muerta
06/04/2008 Mensaje de Arturo S. Rodriguez, Presidente, Union de Campesinos, Honrando a Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez, 4 de junio, 2008–Capitolio Estatal, Sacramento
06/04/2008 Vida en el Valle: María Isabel’s farewell
06/04/2008 KRCA 3: Marchers honor farm workers who died
06/04/2008 News10.net: Farmworker “Peregrinacion” Ends At State Capitol
06/04/2008 Sacramento Bee: Labor contractor in farm worker death case may lose license
06/04/2008 Associated Press: After worker death, state may revoke contractor’s license
06/04/2008 Stockton Record: Farm labor sweep uncovers boy, 12, working in SJ orchard
06/04/2008 Stockton Record: Farm workers to finish pilgrimage
06/04/2008 Remarks by Arturo S. Rodriguez, President, United Farm Workers of America, Honoring Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez, June 4, 2008—State Capitol, Sacramento
06/03/2008 Stockton Record: Labor law officials inspect Valley working conditions