09/08/2001 Los Angeles Times: Jim Drake, 63; Aide to Chavez Helped Spread UFW’s Message
09/08/2001 Pictsweet workers host prayer vigil after state prosecutors charge company with firing leading union activist for supporting the UFW
09/02/2001 Los Angeles Times: Pickers March Across Ventura – Labor: Workers demanding a contract protest their treatment by Pictsweet. Event is part of renewed offensive by UFW
09/01/2001 “Providence” star Mike Farrell leads Labor Day weekend march by mushroom workers against labor law-breaking Pictsweet Farms
08/30/2001 The Monitor: Fight for Benefits UFW stages protest, demands amnesty for immigrant workers
08/30/2001 San Francisco Chronicle: UFW makes contract with furniture firm: Union to represent nonfarm workers
08/30/2001 New UCLA Study to Show Immigrants’ Impact on U.S. Economy
08/29/2001 Associated Press: United Farm Workers union announced first non-farm contract
08/29/2001 UFW celebrates Chaddock contract with workers, local labor & political leader
08/22/2001 Fresno Bee: 59% say legalize migrant workers
08/21/2001 Two weeks before Bush-Fox immigration talks, bipartisan poll shows majority of voters back legalization for hard-working, taxpaying immigrants
08/20/2001 La Opinion: César Chávez y la Ira de las Uvas en California – El legendario líder campesino fue uno de los primeros en denunciar los efectos mortales de algunos pesticidas
08/09/2001 Sacramento Bee: Big year for farm workers in state: The latest win is a law that reforms the contracting system.
08/09/2001 Fresno Bee: Davis OKs law on farm wages – Crackdown on cheating employers is a UFW first.
08/09/2001 Ventura County Star: UFW says Pictsweet position hypocritical
08/09/2001 Tri-City Herald: NAFTA forum discusses concerns
08/08/2001 Fresno Bee: Davis signs ag tax relief, studies labor crackdown Farmers praise the governor at the Tulare signing, hope he vetoes farmworker bill.
08/08/2001 U.S., Mexican Officials to Hear Workers’ Claims in Trade, Labor Rights Dispute under NAFTA; Sanctions Could Result Union to Launch “Fair Trade Apple” Campaign
08/08/2001 UFW hails governor’s signing of its farm labor contractor reform bills
08/08/2001 Se Discrimina Contra los Campesinos Mexicanos bajo la Ley Estatal de Washington – Buscan Que Cumplan Con los Derechos Laborales bajo el TLC
08/06/2001 Yakima Herald: Thousands Fill Yakima Streets
08/05/2001 Up to 5,000 Wash. state apple workers march for better pay, push UFW bills to legalize undocumented farm laborers
08/04/2001 Sacramento Bee: Like other undocumented farm workers in California, Gabriela Hernandez hoped to build a future. Instead, she awoke, paralyzed from a van crash … ‘I thought I was dead’: Farm labor van safety program falls short
08/04/2001 Ventura County Star: Pictsweet workers gain new support
08/03/2001 Bakersfield Californian: UFW chief rallies support for proposals