07/17/2005 1,000-plus farm workers, supporters march for “No Gallo!” 4 days before contract talks resume
07/15/2005 Bakersfield Californian : Heat kills field laborer: Bill designed to protect workers currently under lawmakers’ review
07/14/2005 Red Nova : Agency to Probe Allegations About Dairy
07/14/2005 Modesto Bee : UFW march against Gallo will be in SF
06/24/2005 365gay.com : California Farm Workers Union Supports Gay Marriage Bill
06/24/2005 San Jose Mercury News : Gerald Brown, led state, U.S. labor relations boards
06/23/2005 The New Standard : Gallo Vineyard Workers Call for Boycott to Force Better Contract
06/23/2005 UFW backs AB 19; Chavez granddaughter links Gallo boycott and gay marriage fights
06/17/2005 La Opinion: Sindicato pide boicot a vinos de la fábrica Gallo – Junta laboral presenta queja contra la organización laboral agrícola
06/16/2005 Associated Press : Labor board cites UFW
06/15/2005 Los Angeles Times : Farm Union Goes Online to Launch Boycott of Gallo Wine
06/15/2005 Santa Rosa Pess Democrat : UFW urges Gallo boycott over impasse in local talks: Union targets customers nationwide; company blames UFW for deadlock
06/15/2005 San Francisco Chronicle : S.F. rally kicks off boycott of Gallo: Farm union decries its labor practices in Sonoma County
06/14/2005 Modesto Bee : Boycott Gallo wines, UFW will say today
06/14/2005 Sacramento Bee : UFW ready to boycott Gallo – again: Contract fight could revive the labor icon
06/14/2005 San Jose Mercury News : UFW urges consumer boycott of Gallo wines: PICKERS, VINTNER CONTRACT STALLED 2 YEARS
06/14/2005 UFW response to ALRB complaint against UFW issued June 14, 2005, the same day the Gallo wine boycott was declared
06/14/2005 Diga “Ningún Gallo!†El UFW boicotea el vino Gallo, pide al público impulsar Gallo a tomar la responsabilidad de trabajadores explotados
06/14/2005 Declaración de Arturo S. Rodriguez, Presidente, Labradores Unidos de América, FAL – COI, La gente atractiva para unir el nuevo boicot de vino Gallo
06/13/2005 Los Angeles Times : UFW Plans Wine Boycott in Effort to Pressure Gallo
06/13/2005 Associated Press : UFW asks wine fans to snub Gallo
06/12/2005 Earth Justice: EPA to Phase Out Pesticide that Poisons Farmworkers
06/04/2005 Boston Globe : In Steinbeck country, we said no to closing the libraries
05/18/2005 Pacific News Service : Farewell Bid for Lifelong Farmworker Supporter and Labor Giant