CA issues the first permanent heat regulation in the nation; UFW hails historic breakthrough to protect farm workers from extreme heat
June 15, 2006: Due to a UFW campaign, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the first permanent heat regulation in the nation.
This regulation occurred after six Central Valley farm workers died due to extreme heat in the summer of ’05. Four of these needless deaths came during a three-week period this past July. Some deaths occurred after growers or farm labor contractors ordered work speed ups when temperatures soared above 100 degrees. The United Farm Workers asked Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to issue an emergency regulation to prevent future tragedies.
After the first death in July ’04, the United Farm Workers and California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation turned to Assemblymember Judy Chu and asked her to introduce AB 805, which passed the Assembly and is in the state Senate, to prevent further deaths and illnesses. Senator Dean Florez was the UFW’s primary sponsor in the Senate. After the additional farm worker deaths from the heat in July ’05 the UFW called on Governor Schwarzenegger for an emergency regulation so farm workers could be protected during the summer harvest season this year.