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Thousands in California and Washington state: Farm workers, supporters join Trump resistance May 1 in nine mostly rural cities

Thousands of farm workers organized by the United Farm Workers will resist Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant policies by marching and rallying on Monday, May 1 in nine largely rural communities—most of which backed Trump—across California and in Washington state.

Rural and agricultural counties voted heavily for Trump during last year’s presidential balloting. But UFW-led field laborers whose toil supplies fresh fruits and vegetables to America and much of the world will be gathering—or joining allied groups—to protest the Trump immigration agenda carrying “We feed you” banners and signs in Salinas, Fresno, Bakersfield, Delano, Arvin, Santa Rosa, Oxnard and Los Angeles, Calif., and in the Yakima Valley of Washington state.

Farm workers who are undocumented or have family members without legal papers express genuine fear over Trump plans to target all undocumented immigrants for deportation. Still, on May 1 they are resisting threats from the new administration, for themselves and their communities. The Monday actions are as follows:

Salinas, Calif., 10 a.m., at Cesar Chavez Park, 268 No. Madeira Ave., Salinas 93905

Fresno, Calif., 3 p.m., corner of R St. & 1st St., Fresno 93721

Delano, Calif., 6 a.m., corner of Garces Hwy. & Randolph St., Delano 93215

Bakersfield, Calif., 10 a.m., at Mill Creek Park, corner of 21st St. & “R” St., Bakersfield 93301

Arvin, Calif., 11 a.m., corner of David Rd. & Wheeler Ridge, Arvin 93203

Santa Rosa, Calif., 12 noon, Santa Rosa Junior College, 1501 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa 95401

Oxnard, Calif., 12 noon, 920 S A St, Oxnard, CA 93030

Los Angeles, Calif., 9:30 a.m., MacArthur Park, 2230 West 6th St., Los Angeles 90057

Yakima, Wash., 12 noon, Miller Park, 513 No. 3rd St.., Yakima 98901
