Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News and Events
- 09/19/2017 Tuesday at 6 p.m. in Madera: UFW members’ children awarded $1,000 ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships
- 09/17/2017 Sunday at 11 a.m. in Livingston: UFW members’ sons and daughters will be awarded $1,000 ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships
- 09/16/2017 Bay Area Indymedia (CA): Time to hit ‘pause button’ on brain-harming pesticide, farmworker communities say
- 09/16/2017 Politico: How Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Threatens to Choke Idaho’s Dairy Industry
- 09/15/2017 Time to hit ‘pause button’ on brain-harming pesticide, farmworker communities say
- 09/15/2017 Statement by UFW Spokesman Marc Grossman with farm worker community allies urging suspension of chlorpyrifos at Cal EPA Hdq.
- 09/15/2017 Miami New Times: Homestead Migrant Farm Workers Neglected After Irma Until Activists Raise Alarm
- 09/15/2017 UFW members’ children awarded ¡Si Se Puede!®scholarships funded by union members
- 09/15/2017 State opens up review of brain-harming pesticide the feds failed to ban
- 09/14/2017 Thursday at 6 p.m. in Salinas: Eight UFW members’ children awarded $500 to $1,000 ¡Si Se Puede!® scholarships
- 09/14/2017 CNN: Trump, Dems move closer to deal on DACA
- 09/14/2017 Washington Post: Analysis | The White House’s non-denial denials on its DACA deal with Democrats
- 09/14/2017 NBC News: Trump says “no deal” was reached with Democrats to extend DACA
- 09/13/2017 CNBC: Democrats say they agreed to make a DACA deal with Trump — without the border wall
- 09/13/2017 Washington Post: Trump, top Democrats agree to work on deal to save ‘dreamers’ from deportation
- 09/13/2017 CNN: Schumer, Pelosi, Trump ‘agree’ to fix DACA, border security ‘excluding’ wall
- 09/13/2017 Fresno Bee: Hanford congressman among first Republicans to back bill helping undocumented immigrants
- 09/12/2017 Sierra Club: Chlorpyrifos: A Threat to our Most Vulnerable
- 09/11/2017 Sacramento Bee: California sues Trump over DACA: ‘We don’t bait and switch in this country’
- 09/11/2017 Chemical & Engineering News : U.S. EPA’s chlorpyrifos decision spurs pushback
- 09/08/2017 The Reality Check, by @David Bacon: Justice for Dreamers
- 09/07/2017 Bakersfield Californian: Community Voices: Tell us beforehand where hazardous pesticides will be applied
- 09/06/2017 Bakersfield Now (CA): Activist across Kern County rally in support of DACA
- 09/05/2017 100’s of farm workers at San Francisco hearing: Giant grower challenging law giving farm workers the union contracts they voted for already owes its workers $10 million under a state-imposed union contract
- 09/05/2017 UFW: Trump rescinding DACA is ’heartless and immoral’