Act Now: Tell your US Rep farm workers deserve overtime
News and Events
- 05/13/2014 KLXY Spokane: Washington sees spike in pesticide related illnesses
- 05/12/2014 Business Insider: Pesticides suspected in spike of illnesses in Washington state
- 05/12/2014 Increase in pesticide injuries alarms state officials
- 05/11/2014 Associated Press: In Central California, farm labor battle drags on
- 05/06/2014 AgWired: Vilsack and Farm Workers Want Immigration Reform
- 05/06/2014 The Packer: Vilsack presses for House action on immigration reform
- 05/05/2014 ABC30 (CA): Ag leaders renew push for immigration reform
- 05/03/2014 San Diego Union-Tribune: Union battle is with grower
- 04/30/2014 KCUR 89.3 (CA): Study: Government Fails To Report Three-Quarters Of Farm Injuries
- 04/30/2014 The Ecologist: Glyphosate is a disaster for human health
- 04/30/2014 Monterey County Herald (CA): Monterey County schools near pesticide areas revealed
- 04/29/2014 Salinas Californian: Report: Area schools at risk from pesticides
- 04/26/2014 Farm workers to Wal-Mart: Tell Gerawan-owned Prima brand to ‘obey the law’
- 04/24/2014 KBAK-TV—5 am newscast
- 04/24/2014 With Produce in Hand, more than a 1,000 Farm Workers Deliver Strong Message to Kevin McCarthy on Immigration: “I Harvest for 10 Hours a Day. Can You Take 10 Minutes to Schedule a Vote?”
- 04/24/2014 Video: 1,100 Farm Workers Ask Rep. McCarthy to Support Immigration Reform
- 04/24/2014 Immigration Reform March, 4/24/14 — photos by Tanya X. Leonzo
- 04/24/2014 McCarthy it’s Time for a Vote March — photos by Jocelyn Sherman
- 04/24/2014 With Produce in Hand, more than a 1,000 Farm Workers Deliver Strong Message to Kevin McCarthy on Immigration: “I Harvest for 10 Hours a Day. Can You Take 10 Minutes to Schedule a Vote?”
- 04/24/2014 Causa (OR): BREAKING NEWS: Sit In and Rally at Rep. Walden’s Office in Medford
- 04/24/2014 Bakersfield Californian (CA): PHOTO GALLERY: Marchers seek immigration reform vote
- 04/24/2014 KERO 23 (ABC): UFW demands McCarthy vote
- 04/24/2014 VOXXI: Farm workers press Kevin McCarthy to act on immigration reform
- 04/24/2014 KBFX-TV-10pm newscast