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Cesar Chavez #RESIST Trump Marches.

Cesar Chavez #Resist Trump Marches

Cesar Chavez, presente! Farm workers held marches around Cesar Chavez’ March 31 birthday in 16 mostly rural communities—most of which backed Trump—across California, Texas, Washington state, Arizona and Nevada. Most took place on Sunday, April 2. .

Thousands banded together to make these marches a success and sent a strong message of real American values.

To see photos, news clips, videos and more click here

Viva Cesar Chavez!

California UFW Led Cesar Chavez
Resist Trump Marches
Calexico CA:
April 1, 10 am
313 W 2nd St
Calexico CA, 92231
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Coachella CA:
April 2, 10 am
Harrison St. and Avenue 50
Coachella, CA
Facebook Event Page
Delano CA:
April 2, 11:30 am
Guadalupe Church (Delano, CA)
1015 Clinton St.
Delano, CA 93215
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Livingston CA:
April 2, 12 noon
St Jude Catholic Church (Livingston, CA)
330 Francis St
Livingston, CA 95334
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer Eng.
Event Flyer Sp.
Madera CA:
April 2, 11 am
Cenntenial Park (Madera, CA)
701 E. 5th Street
Madera, CA 93638
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Oxnard CA:
April 2, 10 am
937 Cooper Rd,
Oxnard, CA 93030
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Salinas CA:
April 2, 10 am
Cesar Chavez Community Park (Salinas, CA)
250 N. Madeira St.
Salinas, CA 93905
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Santa Rosa CA:
April 2, 10 am
Roseland Village Shopping Center,
777 Sebastopol Rd,
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
California Cesar Chavez Resist Trump Solidarity Marches
Visalia CA:
March 25, 9 am
College of the Sequoias
915 S. Mooney Blvd,
Visalia, CA
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
San Fernando Valley CA:
March 26, 10 am
Brand Park, 15121 Brand Blvd,
Mission Hills CA
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
San Jose, CA
April 2, 10 am
Roosevelt Park, 900 E. Santa Clara St.
San Jose, CA 95116
Event Flyer
Pomona CA
April 29, 9:30 am
800 S Garey Ave
Pomona, CA
Event Flyer
Sunnyside WA:
April 2, 1:30 pm
Central Park (Sunnyside, WA)
559 S 4th St
Sunnyside, WA 98944
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer Eng.
Event Flyer Sp
San Juan TX:
April 1, 9 am
San Juan Municipal Park,
623 w 1st St.
San Juan TX, 78589
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Tuscon, AZ:
April 1, 9 am
Pueblo Magnet High School,
3500 S 12th Ave,
Tucson, Arizona 85713
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer
Las Vegas
March 25, 10 am
Gary Reese Freedom Park,
850 N. Mojave Rd,
Las Vegas NV
Facebook Event Page
Event Flyer Eng.
Other Special Events
Los Angeles
April 2, 2017
12:30 pm
Cesar Chavez Mass 2017
Presider: Archbishop Gomez
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
555 West Temple Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2707
Salem OR
March 30​th​ 2017, 12:00 noon,
Proclaiming Cesar Chavez Community Service Day
Governor’s Ceremonial Office
Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St NE,
Salem, OR 97301
Event Flyer
To see photos, news clips, videos and more click here