“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 04/01/2008 Daily Pilot: Day in laborer’s shoes
- 04/01/2008 UT The Daily Texan: Students celebrate César Chávez with music, dancing
- 04/01/2008 San Francisco Chronicle: Skateboard park opens on Cesar Chavez Day
- 04/01/2008 Brownsville Herald: Activities to mark National Farmworker Awareness Week
- 04/01/2008 The Saginaw News: Turnaway crowd at Chavez luncheon in Saginaw Township
- 04/01/2008 Pasadena Now: Hundreds Gather to Remember Cesar Chavez
- 04/01/2008 Diario Digital: Recuerdan a César Chávez; denuncian desigualdad
- 04/01/2008 La Opinion: Piden respeto al Día de Chávez
- 04/01/2008 The Plain Dealer, OH: Kucinich, Kaptur seek Cesar Chavez national holiday
- 04/01/2008 ABC30: Cesar Chavez National Holiday Push (includes video 2:34)
- 03/31/2008 San Jose Mercury News: Lawmakers renew push for federal Cesar Chavez holiday
- 03/31/2008 abc7 news: Farm Workers March for Cesar Chavez and better immigration
- 03/31/2008 KDRV, OR: Community honors the legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 Marin Independent-Journal: Students honor Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 KDBC4, TX: El Paso Art Exhibit Captures Revolutionary Mexican Spirit
- 03/31/2008 California Progress Report: United Farm Workers Launch Black Eagle Wines in Time for Cesar Chavez California Holiday
- 03/31/2008 KNBC.com: Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/31/2008 Stockton Record: Cesar Chavez remembered
- 03/31/2008 KGET Ch 17: Delano residents celebrate Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/31/2008 Desert Sun: California honors César Chávez today
- 03/31/2008 KCBS Radio: Oakland March Marks Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/31/2008 Monterey County Herald: HAIL CESAR CHAVEZ – March honors activist’s efforts to better lives of farmworkers
- 03/31/2008 La Opinion: San Fernando honra los valores de Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 Beyond Chron: Understanding Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 Hoy: Honran la vida y legado de Cesar Chavez