“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 04/01/2013 KPBS (CA): UC San Diego Celebrates Chavez Through April, May
- 04/01/2013 Huffington Post: Farm Workers Celebrate Cesar Chavez Day By Marching and Lobbying for a New Immigration Process (blog by Arturo Rodriguez)
- 04/01/2013 Green Valley News and Son (AZ): Arizona immigrants’ rights supporters honor Chavez
- 04/01/2013 Denver Celebrates Twelfth Annual César Chávez Day March on Saturday, April 6
- 04/01/2013 KERO 23 (CA): Thousands of people marching around the state for a new immigration process
- 03/31/2013 NBC Latino: 10 Cesar Chavez quotes: The man he was and the legacy that lives on
- 03/31/2013 VOXXI: Continuing the legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2013 Press-Enterprise (CA): Remembering Cesar Chavez in the county
- 03/31/2013 U-T San Diego (CA): Student groups embody Chavez’s values
- 03/31/2013 ABC 30 (CA): Cesar Chavez honored in the South Valley
- 03/31/2013 KERO 23 (CA): Farm workers and their families celebrate Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2013 Townhall.com: Google Celebrates Cesar Chavez’s Birthday on Easter
- 03/31/2013 ABC News / Univision: Google Doodle Honoring Cesar Chavez is Not a Big Shift for Google
- 03/31/2013 First Things: Why It’s Fitting to Remember Cesar Chavez on Easter Sunday
- 03/31/2013 Ernie Powell’s Grassroots Corner (video)
- 03/30/2013 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (CA): Crowd urged to live by Cesar Chavez’s values in Pomona
- 03/30/2013 San Antonio Express: Optimism for reform invigorates marchers for justice
- 03/30/2013 ABC 7 News (CA): Bay Area communities honor Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2013 Fox 29 San Antonio: Hundreds March to Honor Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2013 Valley Morning Star (TX): Lawyer speaks about childhood, Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2013 Workers World: Thousands honor César Chávez, march for immigration reform
- 03/30/2013 VOXXI: Meeting Latino legend Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2013 San Gabriel Valley Tribune (CA): Third annual Cesar Chavez Service Learning Day at Whittier Narrows (photos)
- 03/30/2013 San Jose Mercury News (CA): National parks can do more to tell United Farm Workers story
- 03/29/2013 Take Part: Why Cesar Chavez Is Still as Relevant as Ever