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United Farm Workers endorses Antonio Villaraigosa for governor

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez spoke these words today (Saturday, Feb. 26, 2018) when he joined UFW members from throughout California who gathered at the state Democratic Party convention in San Diego to endorse Antonio Villaraigosa for governor of California.

Antonio Villaraigosa has attended six United Farm Workers’ conventions in recent years.  That’s why today farm workers from across California proudly journey to this convention of the California Democratic Party to endorse Antonio Villaraigosa for governor.

After elected farm worker leaders from companies under UFW contracts discussed the California governor’s race over the course of several months, studied the candidates’ words, actions and careers, and spent a weekend in Salinas interviewing the four candidates with records supporting farm workers, the UFW believes Antonio Villaraigosa is the best person to be California’s next governor. He received overwhelming support among elected farm worker leaders at their ranches throughout California’s major agricultural regions.

Antonio has consistently stood with and worked for farm workers during both good times and bad over many years and in many capacities. From his time as a teenage grape boycotter to his work as a union and community organizer to his elected offices as speaker of the Assembly and mayor of Los Angeles to his more recent efforts as an activist, Antonio has marched with farm workers, made appeals to legislators, walked picket lines and used his influence to help farm workers win a better life in all of our important struggles.

Antonio’s leadership as both speaker of the Assembly and mayor of California’s largest city makes him most qualified to partner with agriculture and grow California’s agricultural industry by supporting those who feed us.

Moreover, Antonio Villaraigosa offers California’s best response to Donald Trump’s hate.

Que Viva Antonio Villaraigosa, the next governor of California!
