Amadeo sent us this photo and message from where he is laboring picking strawberries in Ventura County. “Hello friends, Greetings to the men and women who pick the crops in CA’s fields. What President Trump is doing is not right. Why is he causing this hate and threatening to deport our people? Farm workers do not deserve this.They get up very early, take their children to be cared for and wait for the the sun to rise and then start working hard so that the poor and rich have food on their tables. We do the work no one wants to do and we are proud of it. The reward is our meager earnings from our honest work. As farm workers this is our commitment every day. We are humble people who labor in the field, so that everyone has food at their tables.” #WeFeedYou / Hola compañero saludo mujeres y hombres levantan la cosecha en los campos de cultivo. No es justo que el presidente trump estén deportando nuestras jente, ellos se levantan muy temprano. Preparando a sus hijos, llevándolos a que los cuiden,la ilusión de ver salir el sol y trabajar duro para pobres y ricos tenemos alimentos en nuestra mesa. La recompensa es la ganancia de su Trabajo honrado, como campesino es nuestro compromiso de cada día, el campesino no es rico, somos humildes, ( braceros) en el campo hemos dejado nuestras fuerzas y asta la vida propia. Para que pobre y rico tengan comida en sus mesa!!